Read what our customers and critics have to say.

All of the records I cleaned with the Nitty Gritty sounded noticeably better after the treatment. In a few cases... I was surprised at how much better. (click here for the complete review)

Bob Neill, Positive Feedback Online
Click here for the complete review

You will be amazed at the life that comes back to what appears to be a clean record when that record is cleaned with one of these machines.

Click here for the complete review

The Nitty Gritty is, in conclusion, the best audio component this decade has produced.


This is the first time I have felt that I have record care under control. My only regret is that I waited so long to buy the Nitty Gritty.

Audio Amateur

[Nitty Gritty] made previously dirty records sound like heaven on earth, and there is nothing at anywhere near the price that will do as much for your dirty records.

International Audio Review